We are in Pinķi, 4 Salienas St.
+371 2020 0806
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We invite teenagers 10 to 12 years old to our dance groups

In addition to mastering the technique, contemporary dance requires musicality, endurance and freedom of expression. Our talented choreographers and teachers work on the physical form and creative potential of each young dancer.

The training programme includes:
• Contemporary Dance
• Break dance
• Hiphops/House/Popping/Dancehall
• Jazz Modern
• Stretching
• Repertoire preparation

A group Classes 3 times a week. Duration of one lesson – 2 hours (Monthly membership 250 EUR)
B group PRO Classes 5* times a week. Duration of one lesson – 2 hours (Monthly membership 300 EUR).
C group Street Dance Classes take place 2 times a week. One class for groups lasts 1,5 hours (Monthly membership 200 EUR)
D group Contemp Classes take place 2 times a week. One class for groups lasts 2 hours (Monthly membership 200 EUR)
D grupa + Classes 3 times a week. Duration of one lesson – 2 hours (Monthly membership 250 EUR).
Membership period: 1 month

Class timetable


16:00 – 18:00


A group
18:00 – 19:30

Street Dance*

C group


17:00 – 19:00


D group
17:00 – 19:00


B group


16:00 – 18:00

Hip Hop

A group

Street Dance*

C group


17:00 – 19:00


D group
17:00 – 19:00


B group


16:00 – 18:00


A group
17:00 – 19:00

Calssical choreography/Ballet*

B group


12:00 – 13:00

Ballet Open Class

Monthly membership fee:

  • А grupai - 250 EUR
  • B group - 300 EUR
  • C group - 200 EUR
  • D group - 200 EUR
  • D+ group - 250 EUR

Dance Styles

Contemporary Dance

It is a modern stage dance born from the synergy of American and European dance trends of the Modern and Post-modern periods. Contemporary dance is a synthesis of classical, folk and modern dance trends and techniques. Contemporary dance is notable for the widest palette of dance characters and movements and extraordinary expressiveness.

Contemporary dance allows you to learn to better listen to yourself and your body expressing your feelings and emotions through movement.

Classical Dance/Ballet

Classical dance is the basis of choreographic art. It's an expressive means of ballet and a system based on the careful development of various groups of movements. 

It was the system of classical dance where the common positions of the legs, arms, body and head used in all dance techniques were developed. A detailed system of movements and exercises near the bar, in the middle of the dance hall and in the stalls is aimed at the consistent development of muscle elasticity and flexibility of the spinal column, as well as the development of aplomb (stability), plasticity and danceability of the dancer's body.

Classical dance classes form correct posture, improve coordination and correct curvature of the spine.


Hip-hop is a dynamic dance genre, a combination of a large variety of other dance styles, including break dance, locking, popping, Harlem shake and many others that had developed in America in the 70s and gained popularity through dance teams and street dancing battles.

Hip-hop is most popular among children and teenagers, thanks to hip-hop music, the special clothing style, and the hip-hop culture. This dance genre is symbolically divided into New school and Old School. The new school covers locking, popping and crunk, and old school embraces break dance, uprock and top rock. The dynamics and rhythm of hip-hop imply intensive training in dance teams, develops endurance, trains the respiratory and cardiovascular system, and helps to develop a sense of rhythm, at the same time leaving some room for improvising and self-expression through dance.

Break Dance

Break dancing – HipHop kultūras deja. Ielu deja ar dumpīgu raksturu. Iespaidīga un oriģināla. Tajā apvienoti akrobātikas, vingrošanas un cīņas mākslas elementi.

Break dance lessons develop:

• coordination and agility

• flexibility and plasticity

• sense of rhythm

• physical strength

• perseverance

• discipline

• leadership qualities and individuality.

Break-dance begins with the simplest and easiest movements that absolutely anyone can perform. As the movements become more difficult, so does the physical fitness. 


Stiepšanās – ir vingrojumu sistēma, kas tika izstrādāta Zviedrijā 20. gadsimta vidū. Ilgu laiku stiepšanās bija galvenokārt profesionālo sportistu iesildīšanās elements, taču, pateicoties šo nodarbību nenoliedzamajam pozitīvajam efektam uz vispārējo ķermeņa funkcionalitāti, ar laiku tā pārvērtās par populāru treniņu sistēmu plašām auditorijām, kas nu ir pazīstama kā Stretching.

Currently stretching is a set of exercises allowing a person of any level of fitness to improve the elasticity of their muscle. Stretching exercises are done on a mat and start with some warm-up movements to avoid traumas. Stretching classes help to improve muscle elasticity and motion range of your joints, which leads to better posture, lightness in your pace, and flexibility of your body.

Our Teachers

Contemp /Show dance /Acrobatics
Participant and winner of Latvian and international dance competitions. Nominations at the World Championship and European Cup Modern dance/Show dance.
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Calssical choreography /Ballet
Artist of the Latvian National Ballet. Bachelor in Pedagogy and Choreography from Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music.
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Ballet/ Classical choreography
Graduate of the Vaganova Ballet Academy. Artist of the Boris Eifman Contemporary Ballet Theatre, the Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theater and the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.
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Choreographer, artist, dance instructor. A dancer, an actor at the Latvian national Opera and a ballet in the show “Carmen.”
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Professional dancer, choreographer and teacher. Head of the "Hip-hop" specialization at the Latvian College of Culture.
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Contemp / Hp-Hop
I have been dancing for 12 years, during which time I have studied modern dance, hip-hop and classical dance. Latvian College of Culture.
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Ralf has been dancing for 11 years in styles such as hip hop, breakdance and house. Latvian College of Culture.
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Street dance instructor. 15 years of experience in various dance styles / hip-hop, jazz, modern /.
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Jazz-modern/ Cheerleading
Professional dancer, teacher and choreographer. Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music.
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Hatha Yoga
Kundalini Research Institute (USA) yoga instructor, University of Latvia
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Vinyasa Yoga/ Stretching
Coach of health groups - teacher, aerobics instructor. Diploma of the Latvian Aerobics Association.
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Contact us

Contact Form Demo
SIA Dance Story
Registration N. 40203400988
Salienas iela 4, Piņķi
Latvia, LV-2107
Phone number: + 371 20200806

Account details
“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Rīga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Registration N. 40003074764

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